Meet Our Staff

Anthony Camino
Parish Life Coordinator
Email Anthony at
Tel: (216) 781-5530 ext. 13
(216) 539-8286 Direct

Bob Duda
Pastoral Associate
Email Bob at
Tel: (216) 781-5530 ext. 31
(216) 502-2308 Direct
(216) 243-7650 VP

Rev. Benjamin Jimenez, SJ
Parochial Vicar
Chaplain to the Deaf
Fr. Ben was ordained on June 8, 2001 for service to God and our sisters and brothers everywhere.
Tel: (216) 781-5530 ext. 21
(216) 539-2034 Direct
(216) 243-7646 VP

Robin McMarlin
Deaf Access Coordinator
Email Robin at
(216) 781-5530 ext. 29
(216) 539-5117 Direct
(216) 201-9056 VP

Deacon Christopher DePenti
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Chris was ordained for service to the people of God on May 4, 2019.

Jessica Neuhart
Religious Education and Programs for Children

Rob Herrick
Parish Finance Manager
Email Rob at
Tel: (216) 781-5530 ext. 11
(216) 523-4679 Direct

Kimberly Ambro