St. Augustine Church Religious Education Program celebrates parental involvement by assisting parents in their obligation of teaching their children/youth to become Disciples of Christ. By sharing and passing on our Catholic faith and love of God, we strive to create an environment, which fosters spiritual growth and provides the opportunity for students to acquire knowledge of Church teachings as well as experience a personal relationship with God.​
The Parish School of Religion (PSR) offers religious education to the children of our parish – Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade on Sunday mornings from 9:45 am to 10:45 am throughout the school year. Classes begin Sunday, September 29, 2024.
PSR follows the guidelines as set forth by the Diocese of Cleveland through the guidance of our pastor, Fr. Bill O'Donnell, C.PP.S, and the help of volunteer catechists. All of our catechists (teachers) are volunteers who are VIRTUS trained and willing to share their faith with the children of our parish. ​In recognizing parents as the primary religious educators of their children, therefore, sacramental preparation relies on the cooperation of family for preparing the children for First Reconciliation and First Communion. Parents also have the responsibility to see that their child attends classes regularly, Mass each Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation.
Each summer, usually the third week of June, children and volunteers gather at St. Augustine to celebrate the Bible's demonstration of God's love at Vacation Bible School (VBS).
​If you are interested in enrolling your child in PSR or Preparation Classes for First Communion/First Reconciliation or Confirmation, or have any questions, please contact Jessica Neuhart at (216) 781-5530 ext. 23 or via email at​​​​